
Monday, June 28, 2010

Learning Poker - Trick #1 Manipulation

Ok. So now you know all the basics. The rules; what beats what. A little bit about psychology & bluffing. Now how about learning some tricks that you can actually try out when you’re at the table. Let’s start off with an easy one. Something you can have fun with and one that is certain to win you some cash. This trick applies when playing in a cash game. It won’t work in a tournament so don’t bother using it there. It also will work best in a lower limit game (ie, $1-2 no limit, or $2-5 no limit). It will require patience but will virtually guarantee you an hourly profit. Try it and let me know how it goes.

Play a tight game for at least an hour. Let your table image resonate that you’re a rock. Each player will pick up that you only play good cards. Make a few comments after throwing away hand after hand. Someting like...“man, if these are the cards I’m going to get all night it’ll be a quick night for me”. Say anything that will let the other players at the table see you as a player who only plays premium cards (AK, JJ, QQ, KK, AA). You don’t have to throw away a good hand but make a point of saying “something” every once in awhile when you don’t play. If you do pick up a good hand make sure you show the table at the end of the hand (if it gets to the end). I think you get my point.

After an hour, use this trick to pick up at least 3-4 blinds an hour. In a $1-2 game that’s $9-12 bucks an hour. In a $2-5 game it would be a profit of $21 to $28 an hour. Now keep in mind there’s an avg of 20-25 hands per hour (if you have a good dealer that keeps the game going). So you will be using this trick only 10% of the time per hour. Here’s how it works. (Now that your opponents see you as a tight player)

• You will raise 4 times the big blind in one of these spots:
o When you’re first to act (to the left of the big blind)
o When you’re second to last to act (to the right of the button)
• If you’re at a table that has more than one loose aggressive player. Move to another table. If there’s only one player that’s really aggressive sit one or two spots to the left of him/her.
• Only make this move 3-4 times an hour. Preferably spread out in the hour.
• If someone calls you (doesn’t raise) play aggressive after the flop. To a point where you will go all in if you have to.
• If someone raises your initial raise; go all in.
• If someone raises in front of you-throw away your cards unless you have a premium hand.

When you raise 4 times the big blind your opponents will put you on a big hand. The trick is really based off your image. Will this work to perfection each time? No; of course not. Buy-in for a small amount, preferable the table minimum to limit your exposure. Pay attention to anyone who may have picked up on your style. As long as you’re able to maintain your rock image after an 8 hour session you will make at least a 40%-50% profit (30%-40% of your buy-in). Test it out. If you bomb the first time out analyze why. Did your image change? Did someone simply have a premium hand which you were trying to represent? The only time this should happen is either an opponent in the small or big blind and the player on the button. The others are either smooth calling (which usually means weakness) or simply aren’t in the hand.

Good luck!

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